Wednesday, May 25, 2022

2022 NERPM Initial Fears and Preparations

We are a little less than 3 weeks away from the 2022 New England/Northeast Railroad Prototype Modelers meet and after some serious debating I have decided to sign up to attend. 

As stated many times before here, I personally don't consider myself a "Prototype modeler" compared to others. I am more of the mind set of If I'm happy with the result, then I'm not going to worry too much what others think. However, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that its reassuring that others find my work interesting and detailed as well. Some can call this ego boosting, but to me it means that the level of detail I hold my models to is at least on a slightly higher level then I originally my have thought. Which brings up the reason why I was in such a debate with myself about attending and showcasing some of my models. 

The fear of being overshadowed or worse, being belittled for a lack or detail was daunting. Now I know that this would not be the case but still weather it was fear of being subpar or looking like a novice among other modelers was a real concern. 

What really helped push me to eventually sign up was mainly the support from a few friends during a few model railroad operating sessions.  The comments and encouraging words really helped calm my nerves and helped me build more confidence in my abilities as a modeler. Plus, Its ok for different people to have opinions on what we consider to be "good" or, heck, even what is considered "prototype modeling" in this hobby. But enough about past fears lets move onto more exciting topics; What will I be brining to the show!?!?!

Now its no secret that I have been posting very little in means of both the Blog and FB page. This is unfortunately due partially because of some medical things combines with daily life tasks that always seem to get in the way of playing with trains. However, when I have gotten some free time to model it has been mainly focused on some very exciting 3D modeling/printing projects. Some items I cant go into great detail yet, but can very soon!!!(You might even get a sneak peak if you happen to find me at the show …..hint....hint😁)

But while I wait for some of those items to print (averaging 6+ hour per part), I have been brainstorming what Id like to display at the show. One of the first items on my list was my model of VRR 3025. Almost becoming my poster model on the blog, it was a easy choice. The issue was that it has encountered some issues during the past few months. Nothing mechanical, but the cab and tender have had some parts break off and with the nature of the 3D printer parts it was better to reprint them and start fresh then attempt to repair any damage.  

The next item was VRR 0901. My second "masterpiece" has been sitting on the workbench for over a year in primer, waiting for me to hit it with a few coats of NH warm orange and Hunter Green. Still not sure if I will have it fully painted before the show but rest assured it will be on display. 

Next items on the list were actually featured in last weeks "Wordless Wednesday". Attached to the blue painters tape are a set of my NH/VRR trackside posts. They have been seen in their painted form on friends layouts in he past but I personally never made a set my own. So these, the Mile Markers and 1920s era R.R. Crossing Signs will be on display.  To the right is something I'm not 100% sold on but still may bring it for fun. These are the original 4 person railbikes found at the VRR. These were made quickly last summer after a weekend full of operating the 1:1 scale counterparts. They don't roll well so they may become a stationary piece used for display and not be operational as originally designed.

Finally the last major item in last weeks post is my first model of a HO scale tank engine and knowing my past it oh course had to be a certain blue tank engine. So why am I bringing this model, especially to a show designed around showcasing models of "Real" railroad equipment. Simple this model is based on a actual prototype, former Brooklyn East District Terminal #15, more commonly known today as Strasburg's live steam replica of Thomas. 

    I haven't talked about this model in great detail yet; but for some background, it will be riding on a Bachmann 0-6-0 saddle tank switcher body. I swear its almost, if not, the same basis as the original #15 locomotive. Thomas and the trackside items are currently in the spray booth waiting for me to finish mixing the paint but this wraps up the core items I'm planning on bringing to the show. I may add more depending on how much free time I have.....which will be hard because Thomas and Percy will be visiting Essex for the next 2 weekends. Which means I'll be down at the Valley more often. 

Regardless I'll end this post with a few questions to you, the reader. Is there anything else I should bring? (finished or in progress) 

Is there anything from my past posts or Shapeways store you would like to see in person?  Let me know and I might be able to get some ready in time!! If I don't follow up before then, I hope to see some of you at the show and look on FB for more update photos as we get closer to the event.